
Employee sponsored run for Nigeria emergency aid project

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The Corona pandemic is impacting many people around the world. As is often the case, the weakest are particularly affected, for example in Nigeria – a country that struggles with considerable poverty.

Our employee sponsored run in July and August is helping to collect money for a project of our partner organisation DAHW, providing food and hygiene products to families and people with disabilities in Nigeria during the Corona crisis. mbi is supporting this project with funds calculated by adding up each kilometre run by our employees and registered in a popular running app.

Our staff are demonstrating their sporting prowess and, at the same time, are glad they can support this very worthwhile project.

If you’d also like to contribute, find out more at: https://www.dahw.de/unsere-arbeit/presseportal/pressemeldungen/meldung/dahw-nigeria-covid-19-nothilfe-4964.html.
